Sunday, December 16, 2012

Yes, Virginia, there are monsters...

My parents told me that they will keep me safe and that there are no monsters.  But I see on the news that many other children like me died in a school.

Are there really monsters?

Virginia, I want you to understand that your parents and teachers will ALWAYS want to keep you safe. As parents, protecting our children is always foremost in our minds.  We, as parents, often fear for our children, and constantly consider what is needed to assure your safety.  In that we can be guilty of trying so hard to protect you that we will sometimes suffocate you with our love and worries.  Please, forgive us this, since we cannot stop being what we are: your guardians.

But yes, Virginia, there are monsters.  They have existed as long as man has walked the earth, and have always been stain on the spirit of humanity.  This is not the monster you might imagine.  These creatures don't have fangs, or claws, or even glowing eyes.  They are not werewolves, or zombies, or even bogeymen.  They do not huddle under bridges, waiting for billygoats to devour, and they do not make their lairs in caves while breathing fire at passing knights.

No, dear Virginia.  Monsters may exist, but they are nothing more than men and women of evil intent.  Mortals that are just as frail and flawed as the people they would hurt.  They are not powerful.  They are not special.  In fact, most times, they are sad individuals that are nothing more than cowardly bullies that prey on those weaker than themselves.  They are not monsters because of what they are, but because of what they do.  They are monsters in act, not form.

You may ask how or why they would do such things.  The truth is, we don't know.  You ask why we would allow such a thing to happen.  The truth is, we don't.  We fight to protect you from these monstrous individuals every day.  We teach you not to talk to strangers, and to stay near us, and watch you as you play.  Often, we consider your safety as often as you take breaths, and cringe each time we lose site of you in a public place.  This is why we try to keep you close, and give you rules that often seem arbitrary and silly.  Why we seem to never want to let you do things.  Why we often seem to hover over you, even when you want to be left alone.  

But sometimes we fail.  Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to be the guardians you deserve, we cannot stand against chance or evil.  Sometimes, the monsters find us.

But monsters, just like in the stories, are rare.  While we may occasionally fail, they fail far more often.  They are few, while your guardians are many.  Teachers, police, firemen, doctors, soldiers, family, and friends.  They all work hard to protect you and your friends, just as they were protected when they were children.

Please, do not fear, Virginia.  You are safe.  As safe as any child can ever be.  We will keep the monsters away from your closets, and banish them from under your bed.  We will keep them from your rooms, and limit them to only the stories we read to you from dusty old books.  Even though the sad truth is that monsters may exist, you can sleep in peace.  Your guardians will always stand against those who would wear the name of "monster".